WORKSHOP: Electric mobility and low-noise asphalts: the LIFE E-VIA project and other contributions

27 Apr , 2021 - Event

The European project LIFE E-VIA have organized the free of charge workshop titled “Electric mobility and low-noise asphalts: the LIFE E-VIA project and other contributions”, during which some project partners have been illustreted the progress of some ongoing activities, related to the design of a new low-noise asphalt and to the implementation of the pilot case in the city of Florence, and have been exchanged views with other realities dealing with similar issues.

The workshop has been sponsored by AIA and realised in collaboration with Associazione Pescas, HEAD Acoustics, Ecopneus and the LIFE NEREIDE project.

The workshop was held on Friday 14th May 2021 from 14:00 to 16:10 in FAD mode on the Microsoft Teams platform.

2 credits have been awarded to the first 36 TCAs who register for the webinar.

The event has been included in the International Year of Sound (IYS) initiatives promoted by the International Commission for Acoustics (ICA) and is linked to the INAD 2021 Noise Awareness Day.



N° of participants – about 130