The project objectives are:
1) To reduce noise for roads inside very populated urban areas through the implementation of a mitigation measure aimed at optimizing road surfaces and tyres of EVs. Two road surfaces, at least 5 different EV types, one reference ICE Vehicle (ICEV) and at least 3 types of tyres per vehicle type (including tyres specifically designed for EVs) will be tested.
2) To estimate the mitigation efficiency and potential of tyres, pavements and traffic (traffic spectrum, speeds, handling conditions) at a higher and comprehensive level: a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and a Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) will be performed to demonstrate the individual and synergistic efficiency of pavement surfaces, tyres and vehicles (including the comparison between internal combustion vehicles, mixed traffic, and EV traffic).
3) To contribute to EU legislation effective implementation (EU Directives 2002/49/EC and 2015/996/EC), providing rolling noise coefficients within the Common Noise Assessment Method (CNOSSOS-EU), specifically tuned for EVs which are actually in need of data for practitioners, agencies, and departments aiming at developing future scenarios.
4) To contribute to national and Italian regional policies, issuing guidelines about use and application of the methodology output of the project, which will be adopted, through the Regional Env. Agency (ARPAT), supporting the project, by Tuscany Region, strongly interested in noise issues. Calabria Region and Città of Reggio Calabria also expressed their interest.
5) To raise people’s awareness of noise pollution and health effects explaining the opportunities provided by EVs through specific dissemination and promotional events, also investigating people perception regarding noise in terms of soundscape methodology and involving them in noise data acquisition.
6) To demonstrate and promote sustainable road transport mobility (electric), reducing noise emission by 5 dB(A) at receivers roadside and achieving also CO2 emissions reduction (21%), based on the Italian context (LPG, CNG, Hybrid, EV, petrol cars, diesel cars) and the concerned literature.
7) To encourage low-noise surfaces implementation in further EU and extra-EU scenarios, demonstrating durability and sustainability, through in-depth LCA&LCCA.