29 September 2021
Post-operam measurements of noise and traffic flows in Via Paisiello, the pilot case of the Life E-VIA project, have been completed. The comparison between the measurements taken before and after the laying of the new low-noise asphalt will make it possible to assess the benefit in terms of noise reduction. The asphalt mixture contains crumb […]
31 August 2021
For the selection of optimized EV tyres Continental Reifen Deutschland delivers carved prototype tyres to Université Gustave Eiffel for testing on the LIFE E-VIA prototypal test surfaces in Nantes: Université Gustave Eiffel performs CPX measurements. These tyres aim at optimizing the balance of exterior noise performance and other tyre performances (e.g. rolling resistance, grip) for EV […]
21 July 2021
Last week, asphalting works were carried out in Via Paisiello, the pilot case of the LIFE E-VIA EUROPEAN PROJECT. The type of asphalt applied was studied in the project and will reduce noise pollution from vehicle traffic.
30 June 2021
The video of the prototype construction in Nantes (deliverable of the E-VIA project) “Low-noise road surface prototype for electric vehicles” is now available on the official YouTube channel of UMRAE-UniEiffel and on the UMRAE website. To view it click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8BL3jHEB0o
24 May 2021
The presentations of the webinar “Electric mobility and low-noise asphalts: the LIFE E-VIA project and other contributions” held on Friday 14th May 2021 in FAD mode on the Microsoft Teams platform, are now available at the link below: https://life-evia.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Presentazioni_webinar_LIFE-E-VIA.pdf
13 May 2021
In May 11 and 12, 2021, on online platform, a technical meeting among the partners of the LIFE E-VIA project was held. The progress of the results of the several actions were shared and future developments were exposed. A total of 23 people have participated, as representatives of the different partners for the project. Agenda Minutes
10 May 2021
In the context of dissemination activities of LIFE E-VIA project, a lot of newspaper articles were published on Italian journals in April 2021. 055 Firenze: https://www.055firenze.it/art/205239/San-Jacopino-arriva-lasfalto-anti-rumore-Firenze-citt-pilota-in-Europa-per-la-sperimentazione ADICONSUM TOSCANA: https://www.adiconsumtoscana.it/news/774_asfalto_070421.html Fionline: http://www.fionline.it/life-e-via-un-progetto-europeo-per-citta-meno-rumorose/ GEOSnews: https://it.geosnews.com/p/it/toscana/asfalto-anti-rumore-firenze-capofila-si-parte-da-via-paisiello_33378951 GEOSnews: https://it.geosnews.com/p/it/calabria/asfalto-anti-rumore-a-firenze-collabora-l-universit-mediterranea_33378523 InToscana: http://intoscana.it/it/articolo/firenze-citta-pilota-in-europa-per-la-sperimentazione-dellasfalto-anti-rumore/#:~:text=Prende%20il%20via%20a%20Firenze,nuovo%20asfalto%20a%20bassa%20emissione. LaNazione: https://www.lanazione.it/cronaca/arriva-l-asfalto-anti-rumore-firenze-citt%C3%A0-pilota-in-europa-per-la-sperimentazione-1.6206689 Metropolitano: https://www.metropolitano.it/asfalto-anti-rumore/#:~:text=Firenze%20sperimenta%20un%20asfalto%20in%20grado%20di%20ridurre%20l’inquinamento%20acustico,-6%20Aprile%202021&text=Ridurre%20il%20rumore%20del%20traffico,nuovo%20asfalto%20a%20bassa%20emissione.&text=Il%20progetto%2C%20cofinanziato%20dall’Ue,e%20terminer%C3%A0%20a%20gennaio%202023. ohga!: https://www.ohga.it/asfalto-anti-rumore-per-ridurre-linquinamento-acustico-firenze-citta-capofila-in-europa/ Teleambiente: https://www.teleambiente.it/inquinamento_acustico_prova_firenze_nuovo_asfalto_antirumore/ ToscanaOggi: https://www.toscanaoggi.it/Toscana/Mobilita-e-rumore-a-Firenze-un-progetto-innovativo
6 May 2021
The LIFE Nereide and LIFE E-Via projects, funded by the European Union through the Life programme, are studying a response to noise pollution caused by traffic in urban centres, which affects 100 million people across Europe every year. In the context of the networking activity between LIFE E-VIA and LIFE NEREIDE, a lot of newspaper […]