27 April 2021
The European project LIFE E-VIA have organized the free of charge workshop titled “Electric mobility and low-noise asphalts: the LIFE E-VIA project and other contributions”, during which some project partners have been illustreted the progress of some ongoing activities, related to the design of a new low-noise asphalt and to the implementation of the pilot […]
22 April 2021
The LIFE Nereide and LIFE E-Via projects, funded by the European Union through the Life programme, are studying a response to noise pollution caused by traffic in urban centres, which affects 100 million people across Europe every year. An ideal city would surely have quiet streets, travelled by electric cars capable of improving not only […]
12 April 2021
Investigation on the 3D-texture and the mechanical impedance of the prototype In the framework of the European project LIFE E-VIA (LIFE18 ENV/IT/000201), a prototype of road surface was implemented in 2020 on the reference test track of Université Gustave Eiffel in Nantes. This road surface, available in two versions respectively without and with crumb rubber, […]
7 April 2021
In the context of networking activities of LIFE E-VIA project, on 3, 4 and 5 April 2021 a lot of newspaper articles were published on Italian journals. La Nazione: https://www.lanazione.it/cronaca/arriva-l-asfalto-anti-rumore-firenze-citt%C3%A0-pilota-in-europa-per-la-sperimentazione-1.6206689 QuiNewsFirenze: https://www.quinewsfirenze.it/asfalto-anti-rumore-firenze-lo-testa-per-europa.htm Nove da Firenze: https://www.nove.firenze.it/a-san-jacopino-arriva-lasfalto-anti-rumore.htm ANSA: https://www.ansa.it/ansa2030/notizie/infrastrutture_citta/2021/04/03/asfalto-anti-rumore-firenze-citta-pilota-in-europa_442f79ba-1d57-4252-a7dd-d1799c11b91b.html Comune di Firenze: https://www.comune.fi.it/comunicati-stampa/san-jacopino-arriva-lasfalto-anti-rumore-firenze-citta-pilota-europa-la La Repubblica Firenze: https://life-evia.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/La-Repubblica-Firenze-4-aprile-2021.pdf Corriere Fiorentino: https://life-evia.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Corriere-Fiorentino-4-aprile-2021.pdf Corriere della Calabria: https://www.corrieredellacalabria.it/2021/04/04/asfalto-anti-rumore-a-firenze-collabora-luniversita-mediterranea/ StampToscana: https://www.stamptoscana.it/asfalto-anti-rumore-firenze-capofila-si-parte-da-via-paisiello/ Firenze Today: https://www.firenzetoday.it/green/life/san-jacopino-asfalto-rumore.html La Martinella: https://www.lamartinelladifirenze.it/a-s-jacopino-arriva-lasfalto-anti-rumore/
30 March 2021
LIFE E-VIA: an european project to get cities less noisy! On the website of ARPAT there is an interesting news about LIFE E-VIA project, broadcast also through its own newsletter. To read more, please click here: http://www.arpat.toscana.it/notizie/arpatnews/2021/069-21/life-e-via-un-progetto-europeo-per-citta-meno-rumorose #LIFEprogramme #LIFEproject #Arpat
26 March 2021
In the context of networking activities, the partners Comune di Firenze and Vie en.ro.se. Ingegneria have participated at the online press conference of NEMO project, held on 26 March 2021. Another networking activities will be organised in the future. For furthermore infomation about NEMO, please click here: https://nemo-cities.eu/projects/
19 February 2021
We highlight that the article “A survey on the soundscape perception before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy” was published on the Noise Mapping review. The article analyses how the soundscape perception is changed between before the Covid-19 pandemic and during the first lock-down. The work is based on data from a questionnaire. To read […]
29 January 2021
The kick-off meeting of an interesting new project funded by the european union was held in January. The project AURA “Auralisation of acoustic heritage sites using Augmented and Virtual Reality” explores the potentials of auralisation – a technique creating virtual soundscapes in 3D models to artificially making acoustic situations audible – for music performing arts […]